This BlogSpot, I'll publish some IT related software, news or experience. Any comments or suggestions are accepted. Feel free to look around! ^^

20 February, 2008

The easiest way to test your Anti-Virus On-Access Scanner.

One of the easiest way to test your Anti-Virus On-Access Scanner.

Copy and paste the following code into notepad. Save it as a .txt file.


- Your Anti-Virus works GREAT if it detects a virus immediatly after you paste the code.
- Your Anti-Virus works GOOD if it detects a virus immediatly after you save the code.
- Your Anti-Virus works JUST FINE if it detects a virus in 3 seconds after you save the code.
- Your Anti-Virus works BAD if it detects a virus only when you manually scan the file.
- Your Anti-Virus works VERY BAD if it doesn't detect anything no matter how you scan the file.

The code above is just a test virus code that every common Anti-Virus recognize. It does no harm, it is just to test your Anti-Virus. This test determines how fast your Anti-Virus reacts, not the Detection Rate or power of your Anti-Virus. The fastest may not be the best, while the slowest may not be the worst. If your Anti-Virus does not detect anything, CHANGE TO ANOTHER ANTI-VIRUS IMMEDIATLY!!!

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